Thursday, March 12, 2020

How to Add Privacy and Security to Your Coschedule Account + Content

How to Add Privacy and Security to Your Account + Content We’ve all heard stories about [insert any terrible instance of brand sabotage]. Stories of a little too much trustand not enough security. The stories of users deleting content or publishing a blog post too soon (by accidentor not) or someone with incorrect permissions seeing something they shouldn’t†¦ And the worst casesomeone leaving a company (usually not by choice)  and doing everything they can to take it down with them. Not cool. How To Add Privacy To Your Calendar and Secure Your [Awesome] ContentThe information age can be a scary place, one where your brand’s reputation is always on the line. Here at , we want to give you peace of mind and know that the security of your calendar is our absolute *TOP*  priority. Plus, we make it easy to manage your calendar’s users, roles, and permissions. With you can: Add multi-layered privacy to your calendar with custom user + role permissions. Know exactly what each team member has access to (at any given moment). Limit  the visibility of content on your calendar  by managing the access of multiple teams or users, so they can focus on the content that matters to them (nothing more, nothing less). Control your content  by granting users read only, drafting or full editing rights. Easily restrict publishing rights to specific users, so you can rest assured your content gets published (the right way) every time. Because our goal is to keep your calendar marketing efforts†¦ †¦AND your brand’s reputation as secure as possible. ðŸ‘Å' Add Multi-Layered Privacy To Your Calendar You’ve got quite a few people inside your calendar. †¦.with each person contributing in a different way. Which is great! But, since they aren’t all in the same  roles, each person on your team might need varying permissions when it comes to accessing your calendar. With , you can easily create + edit custom user permissions based on the level of access you want a specific person to have. For example, your intern probably needs WAY less access to all the content on your calendar than your marketing manager. Or if you work in an agency with multiple clients on the same calendar, you can easily set up both your clients and agency team members with custom user permissionswithout making it difficult for everyone to work inside your calendar. And creating a layer of privacy, especially when there may be confidential items that may be listed on your calendar, is a nice option to have. It’s real nice. Get Started Using Custom User Permissions For example’s sake, let’s pretend you’ve just hired a new employee. To invite a new user and customize their permissions, head into your Settings, and select â€Å"Team† from the left hand side bar.  Once you get to the Team Page, select â€Å"Invite New User.† Choose â€Å"Invite via Email† and add an email address. (skip the WordPress Author piece for now. If they end up being able to post blogs through your calendar, you can add a WordPress Author at a later time). Then, select the role (or level of access), you want to give each new team member. If you’re just starting with team permissions, the only option you’ll have is to assign the new person as a â€Å"User† or a â€Å"Guest.† Once you start creating custom roles, that’s where you can get really specific with access levels. For a breakdown of the difference between a â€Å"user† and a â€Å"guest†Ã‚  check out the comparison below: If you choose to give â€Å"user† access, your team member can also be given â€Å"admin†Ã‚  access by turning the button from â€Å"OFF† to â€Å"ON.† Users without admin access can only access Social Profiles in the calendars settings (no other settings options will be visible). So, they won’t even be able to see the Team Settings page that you’re in now unless they are given â€Å"admin† access. Once you have successfully added a new user, you will be directed back to the main Team page. Here you will notice that you can view all the varying levels of access each current team member has, and easily edit the permissions of a specific user if needed. For instance, if you have to let someone go from your team, you can use the team permissions page as a kill switch by quickly editing their permissions to â€Å"read-only† so you can protect your content and your calendar. *whew* With , you can even create custom role permissions  within your team settings. Basically, custom role permissions allow you to create a permissions template if you have (or are going to have) multiple people you consider to be in the same role. This saves you time from having to manually assign the same permissions in the future. ^^#timesaver So by creating custom roles, the next time you hire a project manager or social media intern, it’s quick and easy  to set them up with specific levels of access in your calendar. Besides being able to add internal users (and customize their permissions) to your calendar, you can also add an outside user as a â€Å"Guest† within your calendar (Team Pro or Multi Calendar plans only). Why is that awesome? If someone is added as a â€Å"Guest† the only thing they can view and edit is the project they have been assigned to by a user inside the calendar. For instance, if you are working with another company on a single campaign or blog post, you might not want them to see everything your team is working on. Easily set up custom user and role permissions within your calendar to give yourself peace of mind. Waithow does it do that?! Because now you will know if each person in your calendar has the correct amount of access they need to effectively work on their content saving you time AND your precious mental energy. No more worrying for you! And that’s pretty awesome. Limit The Visibility Of Content On Your Calendar You use your calendar for EVERYTHING. Every marketing campaign, every blog post, every social promotion, and every task. But sometimes†¦ there might be private or confidential information  that you still have to plan for†¦ or you want to limit who can see what because it’s not relevant  to them†¦ And that’s when the idea of sharing everything on your calendar with everyone†¦ suddenly becomes a little less than ideal. But luckily, with you can easily  limit the visibility of content on your calendar. For instance, if you work at a company with multiple teams, you may want each team to see only their specific content (to eliminate clutter on their calendars, or, I don’t know, to actually keep a top secret project, a secret). And if you’re an agency with multiple clients on your calendar, you can use this feature to easily adjust each client’s visibility settings so they can only see the content they should seeand nothing more. For example, if your client is â€Å"Pho Shizzle†Ã‚  you are able to create a new role within your team permissions and actually call it â€Å"Pho Shizzle† Once you’ve given the role a name, simply select the permission settings that will work best for you: Content: Decide what they can see (content they own or are following versus  all content on the calendar), if they can create content, edit it, delete content, or if they can publish the content. Social Messages:  Decide which profiles they are allowed to see or post from. Events + Notes:  Decide if they are allowed to create, edit, or delete events or notes. ReQueue Groups:  Decide if they will be able to add, modify or delete ReQueue Groups AND ReQueue Messages. Team Filtering:  Decide if they can interact with other team members (and who). Admin Settings:  Decide if they are a social, team, or full admin of the calendar. And while using a single calendar and creating custom roles is pretty darn effective, if you are an agency with a lot of clients, we recommend a Multi-Calendar plan as your simplest + easiest solution for keeping client work separate from  other  client work. The the biggest perk of being able to create custom roles? As the admin, you can still see EVERYTHING that is going on within your calendarwhile everyone else can only see the specific content that matters to them. Sometimes there are things you don’t want everyone to see. Like a top secret feature launchor another client’s marketing campaign†¦ or that super-hilarious blog post called the â€Å"Top 10 Reasons to Open a Hot Dog Stand† you’ve been planning†¦(no judgement here). Whatever your reason, easily limit the visibility of content on your calendar with . ðŸ™Å' Control Your Content Remember when it was just you managing your calendar? Every editpublishing date†¦social messageit was up to you to make the final call. Times may have changed (or maybe never existed if you’ve always worked in a large team), but that doesn’t mean you need to give up complete control of your content. With , you can grant users read-only, drafting or full editing rights  when it comes to your content. For instance, if you work in an agency and have a client who has access to your calendar, you can easily control the amount of access based on what works best for your partnership. Or, if you work in a large company and your boss (or bosses) only needs to be able to view documents (but will never make any edits directly in the calendar), it’s simple to give them â€Å"read-only† access. You can even restrict publishing rights  to specific users (or single user) so you can rest assured your content gets published the right way,  every time, by someone you trust. Simply find the user you want to adjust within your â€Å"Team† page, and decide the level of publishing access you want to give them throughout your [entire] calendar. Why are restricted publishing rights useful? Let’s say you have an intern and want them to have the ability to draft content, but unable to publish to your blog or social accounts. (Recommended!) Or you want to limit the users who can publish (for accountability’s sake), because you’ve established a good amount of trust in them and don’t want so many hands in the mix. And let’s be realyou’re also trying to avoid some pretty terrible marketing mishaps: *like when Rhode Island accidentally posted a promo video about their state with footage from Iceland on their Twitter account* (someone could have checked, right) OR *when someone accidentally posted on the US Justice Department’s Twitter account instead of their own*  (signing in and out of accounts could be avoided if you scheduled your social through just saying) Tisk, tisk. Plus, as an extra level of control, you can easily check and see who posted any  of your content using our handy Security Access Logs (located within your Team Settings). We know that the security of your calendar is SUPER important†¦ and we also know how much of a task it can be just managing all the settings on your calendar. Which is why we make it EASY to manage your permissions. Set it and forget it OR easily update a user at a moment’s notice. Just call yourself Security Captain†¦ because with , your marketing calendar (and your brand’s reputation) has never been safer.